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Commisioned Services

In addition to all our Projects and Programs MAYDS also holds several contracts/commissioning services on behalf of the local authority and other agencies.  This allows MAYDS to expand on the services it can provide in the area and generate an income that makes the organisation less reliant on grant funding and therefore more sustainable. 


The Services MAYDS are currently commisioned to provide are-:

Alcohol and Drug Education and Support

On behalf of Argyll and Bute Alcohol and Drug Partnership (ADP) MAYDS holds the commissioning service to undertake both drug and alcohol awareness/education and support in Lochgilphead Joint Campus, Tarbert High School and Islay High School.  This program sees MAYDS staff go into these secondary schools and deliver a rolling program from S1 through to S6 that covers an awareness and educational program in areas such as peer pressure, energy drinks, smoking, drugs, alcohol etc. If need be we will also undertake small group sessions if there are any areas of concern with specific groups etc.  Part of this service also sees young people be referred to us for support in areas of drug and alcohol use if need be.


On behalf of Argyll and Bute council in partnership with the NHS MAYDS hold the commissioning service to manage the Cool2talk online support service.  This service allows young people in Argyll and Bute up to the age of 18 to access the Cool2talk website where they can post a question and get it answered by a professional with advice and support within 24 hours, the site also give numbers and information on services across Argyll and Bute where young people can seek advice and help and in addition if offers a free counselling service.

Living Well Mid Argyll Network

On behalf of Argyll and Bute Council MAYDS hold the contract to deliver the Living Well Network Services and Priorities across Mid Argyll.  This service is about engaging local communities, organisations etc., in identifying health issues or subjects that are important to them and making changes in their local area.  It is also about engaging with groups and promoting what is available in the local area such as open swimming, health walks, jog programs.  We can help small groups access funding if they have a project they want to deliver for the benefit of the community.


On behalf of Workingrite in partnership with Skills Development Scotland (SDS) MAYDS holds the contract for employability support in Mid Argyll and Islay.  Under this program MAYDS support young people 16-18 years old into positive destinations.  This is done through work placement opportunities with local employers supporting those who need a hand access opportunity for future employment and training.  Along with work placements the young people also gain several certificates in areas such as first aid, food hygiene, customer care, they also get the opportunity for interview skills, compiling a CV etc., all in a supported environment that is met to meet the individual needs of every young person.

Young Carers

On behalf of the Scottish Government via the local Argyll and Bute Health and Social care Partnership (HSCP) MAYDS holds the commissioning service to carry out Young Carers statements and support across Mid Argyll, Kintyre and Islay (MAKI).  We have three Young Carers workers whom work with young people up to 18 years old whom have been referred to the service due to a caring role either in the home or for a family member etc.  MAYDS Young Carers workers will meet with these young people individually and undertake an assessment which is known as a Young Carers Statement, from the statement staff will get a better understanding of the young person, what they do, how they are coping and how best we can support or help them.  When the statement is complete staff will signpost, young people depending on their needs and wants and undertake reviews with them on a regular basis.  In addition, they will help young carers to access any grants or support due to them such as Young Carers Grant.

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