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Regular Events

Young Carers Club every second Wednesday @ Lochgilphead Joint Campus in the Den 1 - 2pm. Term time only. 
First one back will be on Wednesday 22nd January.

Young Carers & Additional Support Needs Family Swimming Sessions

Young Carers 3pm - 3:50pm
Asn & Family 4pm - 4:45pm

Free Entry

Saturday 1st Feb

Monday 10th Feb 2-3pm ASN only
Saturday 15th March
Monday 7th April 2-3pm ASN only
Monday 14th April 2-3pm ASN only

Saturday 3rd May
Saturday 31st May
Saturday 28th June

For more information, please contact MAYDS on:

01546 603 231

Mid Argyll Youth Development Services

Providing Information and Accessible Youth Friendly Services


Mid Argyll Youth Development Services (MAYDS) is an award winning charity organisation with a focus on providing a wide range of recreational, educational, social and learning opportunities to young people between the ages of 0 and 25 years old.


We offer a diverse range of Projects and Programs that incorporate working with young parents and their children, young carers and their families, young people not in employment education or training young offenders and your everyday average young people.

The Project was established in 2002 and is run through grant funding from sources such as Big Lottery, Robertson Trust, and Children In Need, Henry Smith etc. It is overseen by a Manager and has a robust team of Youth Work Staff. The Services centre is based in Union Street Lochgilphead where they have their own building which consists of a large hall, IT Suite, Kitchen and rentable offices. There is full disable access. The Centre is open Monday to Friday 9 to 5 pm and Monday to Saturday 5.45pm – 10pm for our drop-ins.

In 2010 MAYDS was selected from the whole of Scotland to work with the Scottish Parliament in recognition of the work they do with hard to reach young people. For the Service this was a great achievement and honour. Then in 2011 were selected by the Scottish government as only one of three projects across Scotland to participate in their wave of change project. This recommendation came from HMIE who saw the value and impact of the work we done in the local community.

MAYDS works locally with many partners including social work, Lochgilphead Joint Campus, Substance Misuse Forum, Police, Council Youth Services Team, Argyll Drugs Partnership, and SDS to create a safer place and better opportunities for young people in the area.

You Tube Video - Mid Argyll Youth Development Services | Strengthening Communities

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